Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church

Our Lady of Lourdes Parish
Glen Eden

Parish Pastoral Council



With consideration and strategic alignment to our Diocesan of Auckland, our PPC is a representative body  whose primary function is to set the vision and plan to make the life and activity of the parish ever more closely conform to the gospel.  Our PPC will work collaboratively with our Pastoral Team led by our Parish Priest Fr Paul, Fr Boniface and Deacon Robert Mitchell to plan the parish’s pastoral programme;

  • Impact upon the lives of our parishioners and on the integration of their faith into everyday life, home, work, school and community
  • Relate to initiatives that support and sustain people in their efforts to live and promote Christian values
  • Relate to the ongoing development of a vital Christian community whose focus extends beyond itself to influence on and service to the wider community

Our PPC’s main role is to plan for the whole parish, not to coordinate individual ministries.  It is responsible for the ‘big picture’ approach and it’s about governance rather than management that is, planning, direction setting, policy formulation and evaluation of the overall vision of our parish.



1 Fr Paul Helsham Pastoral Team, Parish Priest
  Fr Boniface Kujjur Asst Priest
3 Lyn Smith Parish Priest Rep, Formation
4 Deacon Robert Mitchell
Pastoral Team
6 Venicio Dourado Vice Chairperson as also  Care and Services
7 Ana Tonga
8 Leronio Baleinakorodawa Social Justice Rep
9 Barnabas Thomsen Samoan Rep / Ethnicities
10 Phillip Malaitai Youth Rep
11 Giselle Mascarhenas Care and Services
12 Olinda Domingo Liturgy
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